Friday, March 15, 2019

Why Royal Ancestry

Why Royal Ancestry?

Personalized Custom Charts
For Framing/Wall Hanging

NEWEST ReleaseEngland Windsor 2

Abandoned Castle in Wales

Have you ever asked yourself, Who am I? Where did I come from? Have you considered DNA testing? And when you were done, you now know WHERE you came from but WHO are you? WHO did you come from?

My name is Daniel Lowe, I am a researcher of the antiquities of the Americas, the mysteries of not only this land but around the world. Because of this research over these 30 years I thought I was beginning to understand who I am and where I came from, But all the while, I still did not really know who I was or who I came from. One day due to some very interesting discoveries in my research, I was compelled to finally make a chart regarding my Welsh Royal Ancestry, Little did I know at the time but this opened the doors to clarification of what I had always known, but reveled things I never imagined.


and if we find that connection, 
we email you the results showing your linage back 2000 years!

Find out of you are decent of William the Conqueror, Robert de Bruce, King Charlemagne, the Merovingian Kings, King Arthur, (Prince Madoc's GG.... Grand Father) King Iago ap Idwal, (Madoc's GG Grand Father) King Owen of Gwenydd, (Prince Madoc's Father) Henry Sinclair of the Knights Templar and many many others... and find out why they are significant...

What does it cost for a chart?

A single chart using OUR templates is $200 per chart.

Custom made charts vary in price

What is Royal Ancestry Charts?

Royal Ancestry Charts, are exactly what it says, the chart in the above photo is what I call the single DIRECT linage chart showing your direct linage BACK 2000 YEARS! to whomever it may lead you to, but our aim is to provide our customers with A chart showing your direct linage to the many royal families that exists, If one does exist. Our charts are guaranteed accurate to at least the degree of accuracy found on the most credible sites. Not everyone has Royal Ancestry, But many out there who have wondered where they came from do, but they do not know it. 

Chateau d' Angers 2

These charts are, Custom and Personalized with theme, Royal Ancestry Charts designed for printing to display on your wall. 36 to 42 inches wide! Or customized sizes.

Why Royal Ancestry?

Many people out there today, do not really understand what Royal Ancestry means and many couldn't care less, and even after I explain it some will still not understand.

It would be best to start with, What is Royal Ancestry, Royal Blood or what is referred to as, The Royal Bloodline

The concept of Royalty or decent of The Royal Bloodline steams for the most part from King David, "The Davidic King." (1000-900 BC) The history of King David and why his bloodline is today, a historical mess, and is due to lack of understanding. However, to put it as best as I can in so few words, King David was the second King of Israel, if you do not know the promises made of God to the Israelite's and King David, this won't much matter. However it was prophesied in his day, that through King Davids bloodline would come in the future, a future King, The Son of God, namely Jesus the Christ, for the salvation of the world! This is the Bloodline and the reason that those who are direct decent of King David became or were considered Kings and Queens, and why it has always been important to follow the purest of bloodline in the succession of Kings, it is the very thing that has caused betrayal, wars, deceptions and murder, genocide of certain bloodlines as in the Merovingian Bloodline, and believe it or not the extermination of other bloodlines you would not think to look, such as the Aztec.

After the Birth of Christ and his Crucifixion, The Holy Bloodline took upon an entirely different meaning, but extending from the original concept. But now, being a controversial concept, he who rules by right, a right obtained by unspoken claim as a descendant of the Holy Blood of Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene. Since the Crucifixion of the Christ, this concept has again been the cause of many wars, betrayals, murder and genocides, all backed by greed and the lust for power rather than the sacredness it so much deserves.

It does not in anyway make you better than others, it simply identifies WHO you came from, unlike DNA testing which simply shows WHERE you came from.

Genesis 49: 10 "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh come"

How do I get my custom chart?

First we need the desire to discover if you are of Royal Ancestry and after that, all you have to do is Ask? If you believe you can cover the cost involved, either by yourself or a group printing such as interested brothers, sisters cousins etc, because the more who want a copy, the less expense it is to each individual.

Just email me your Grand Parents Names (If they have passed on) or go to your Great G Parents, and then one more line back, please include as much of full names, Birth and Death dates with general area in which they lived, this is for accuracy in finding the right ancestral lines.

After receiving the email it may take a day or two as the requests are growing. Once the search begins, it usually takes from 30 minutes to a few hours IF you have Royal Ancestry, OR if enough information has been entered into the primary genealogy sites. If I do not find Royal Ancestry, it does not mean you do not have any.

Click on the image above to see full view size

How big are these charts?

The charts are designed for maximum view but without getting excessive in size, in order to display the names clearly using and average 40 name to 60 name chart but not limited to, the idea is to be able to read the information clearly standing just a few feet away from the large wall hanging. The size of these varies, it could be 36 to 42 inches wide or even larger, height can vary as well from 20 to 30 inches high, they are custom and so there is not set parameters. These are printed upon PHOTO QUALITY water proof paper, We DO NOT Provide framing. After printing each print will be shipped to you from the printer.

Charts are designed to be able to read comfortably, hanging on the wall and being viewed from about two feet away.

How do I get started?

Go to your email... Express your interests, Then send us the names of your Grand Parents (Who have Passed away) with Birth and Death Dates, where they lived, and the names of their parents, your Great Grand Parents. And we will do a search for you, and respond with our findings and then determine if you have an interest in the charts and how many in your family may be interested in a copy.

Or call....  

You should receive a response within 24 hours and will be informed as to when we might be able to do a search. This can vary especially when we have many requests.

Other Chart Examples

Crawford Castle

Click the image for full size view

Click the Image for full size view

The labels used in these creations will be 3 1/2 inches to 5 inches in width depending on the design, just in case you cannot view the full size intended. In short, they can be any size you want.

Added 2-16-2019

This is the latest creation made for my mothers side of the family of which there are more kings than I can shake a stick at... this is an 85 name chart optional 95.

Click the image to see actual wall display size

NEWEST Edition

Manti Temple Chart

Click for approximate actual view

Newest Template as of 2-21-2019
70 name chart

Actual intended view 
(if you are on a computer click Image for full intended view)

Chateau d' Angers 1

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Choose a Royal Ancestry Chart

Choose A Template

MOST of the following charts can be modified to fit your needs
(more Template coming soon)

CLICK the Image for Larger View

Newest Castle Charts
Next 3 Charts

Bodiam Castle England

Built in 1385 by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge, a former knight of Edward III, with the permission of Richard II, ostensibly to defend the area against French invasion during the Hundred Years' War

The Norman Gate at Windsor Castle England

The Norman Gate, built by King Edward III

Unknown Castle in Ruin


Chateau d' Angers 2

Crawford Castle

Manti Temple 2

Chateau d' Angers

Hungary Castle

Castle Louvre Phillip II

Abandoned Castle in the Lake 2

Abandoned Castle 1

Abandoned Castle 2

Scotland Castle

Chateau d' Angers 3

Gwrych Castles Wales Blue

Gwrych Castles Wales Buckskin

Welsh Toltec

Adam to Jesus Tree

Logan Temple 1

Logan Temple 2

Manti Temple 1


Naumenko Germany

Schweriner Castle